U of S CI Directors Attended the Confucius Memorial Ceremony

The co-directors of the Confucius Institute at the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Li Zong and Dr. Ning Liu, attended the Confucius Memorial Ceremony

From September 26 to 30, 2017, the co-directors of the Confucius Institute at the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Li Zong and Dr. Ning Liu, attended the Confucius Memorial Ceremony to commemorate the 2568th anniversary of Confucius' birth which was organized by the Administrative Committee of the Southern Confucius Ancestral Temple in Quzhou city, Zhejiang Province, China.

Confucius was a great thinker, educator and the founder of Confucianism in ancient China. In the third year of the Jianyan period of the Southern Song Dynasty (1129), Kong Duanyou, Duke Yansheng, the eldest grandson of the 48th generation of Confucius’ descendants, followed the emperor to the south and took residence in Qizhou. The southern Confucius family line from Kong Duanyou to Kong Xiangkai has lasted twenty-eight generations in Quzhou.

This year, 25 representatives from more than ten Confucius Institutes in eight countries were invited to attend the grand ceremony which was held in the Southern Confucius Ancestral Temple, Quzhou city, Zhejiang Province, China. The five-day event included the Memorial Ceremony, the Quzhou International Confucianism Forum, visits to local primary and secondary schools, tours to the national cultural and historical city of Quzhou, and concerts.


Southern Confucius Ancestral Temple


Representatives from the Confucius Institutes


The Memorial Ceremony